How to Use to Import Episodes from Spotify and Apple Podcasts into Your App


The GET /search_episode_titles API endpoint from enables efficient search for individual podcast episodes based on their titles. This functionality is useful for applications requiring episode-specific metadata (e.g., audio urls, audio length, rss feed...), such as those that allow users to import episodes from Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or other platforms.


This endpoint is accessible across all Podcast API plans: FREE, PRO, ENTERPRISE.

Optional Parameters

  • podcast_id: Filters the search to episodes within a specified podcast.
  • podcast_id_type: Select the ID type from among listennotes_id, itunes_id, spotify_id, or rss.

Key Advantages Over GET /search

  • Simplicity: The new endpoint focuses solely on episode titles, eliminating the need for multiple parameter tuning.
  • Performance: The dedicated function allows for optimized search performance, because it searches only episode titles, rather than searching multiple fields with GET /search.
  • Future Improvement: Provides room for specific enhancements without complicating the existing GET /search endpoint.

Important Caveat

Note that this endpoint may not serve as a universal solution for cross-app episode matching due to the absence of unique episode IDs. Developers are advised to implement fallback mechanisms, such as presenting a list of recent episodes of a podcast for final user confirmation.

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