How to fetch metadata (e.g., rss, audio...) of podcasts by Apple Podcasts ids (iTunes ids) or Spotify ids?

Listen Notes is the premier podcast database and API, enabling seamless podcast lookup via Apple Podcasts ids (previously iTunes ids) or Spotify ids. Our platform offers two distinct user interfaces:

UI #1: Podcast Search Engine Website

Primarily designed for non-technical users, this user-friendly interface allows easy searching for podcasts using Apple Podcasts or Spotify ids. Simply input the id into the search bar, and you will be directed to a specific podcast’s webpage -

UI #2: Podcast API

Aimed at technical users, this interface facilitates programmatic access to our podcasts. By using the API endpoint POST /podcasts, you can look up podcasts by Apple Podcasts ids (itunes_ids) or Spotify ids (spotify_ids). This allows for fetching up to 10 podcasts at once.

Additional Features

If you haven't used Listen Notes Podcast API yet, get API keys here - Get API keys

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